So yeah, as you can probably tell I wasn't exactly able to keep up with the whole "weekly webcomic" song and dance routine but don't fret, I haven't totally nixed the idea of "I Be Bitchin'" or Ivy for that matter. The general concept and the character will live on through mini comic form. I completed an itty bitty comic that I'll be giving away at this weekend's Vancouver Comic Con (Incoming Shameless Self-Promotion: Sunday January 16 at the Heritage Hall in Vancouver, British Columbia from 11 AM 'til 5 PM).
The theme will be Pretentiously Poetic Cliches. Basically it will be a good ol' ripping of all those cliches we all love/loathe scattered in poetry, novels and other such classy prose pieces throughout the ages. I'm always open to suggestions for annoying, hokey cliches to mangle so feel free to hit me up at or send me a tweet on Twitter @DramaticMonarch.
To entice you, here's a preview pic...

Wanna know the object of Ivy's ire? Then you'll just have to swing by the Heritage Hall in order to find out. Lawd, I feel so dirty...
Of course, I'll still do other minis or some occasional exclusive one-off strips to post here from time to time.